28 Nov

The main preventive factor is a fully balanced diet. However, this is not enough. Should be wormed periodically to avoid clogging the biliary tract caused by worms. Keep all poisons away from your pet. It is best to store all medications in a sealed container.
Routine vaccination against infectious hepatitis, leptospirosis, and inflammatory bowel disease would be a good measure of protection. Find the right veterinary hospital that you trust. There, they will tell you about the vaccination schedule and choose the vaccine.
Precautions include hygiene, eating the right foods. For example, it is advisable to cook meat so that it does not contaminate pets with helminths. The dog's place of residence should be periodically disinfected.

If there is a genetic predisposition, do not forget to see a doctor, as well as independently examine the animal, for the presence of signs of jaundice. Try to rule out factors that provoke the development of the disease. Monitor the animal's hemoglobin level with regular blood tests.

A pet's jaundice is a warning sign of an unfavorable condition in your dog. Any randomized treatment is not allowed. Try to get your dog to the vet as soon as possible. And should not self-medicate: the dog should be seen by a good doctor who will prescribe the necessary medicines.

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