Origin of stunted, malnourished dogs An unreasonable diet of a poor quality diet is considered as the main reason for stunted and undernourished dogs. You need to make sure you can provide the amount of protein, calcium, vitamins, ... that your dog needs, at the same time know how to balance them in every daily meal. If you do not know how, you should consult your veterinarian about the nutrition menu for your dog. Because different breeds of dogs, different ages and levels of activity require different nutritional needs. Cute puppies of all sources make dogs stunted and malnourished. Have a certain disease. Puppies are looked after cheaply, eat and drink all, reasonable nutrition but still sick, stunted, malnourished Nursing. So where is the origin? It is very possible that your dog is suffering from a certain condition that prevents their body from absorbing nutrients. For example: metabolic disorders, diabetes, central nervous system disorders, viral or fungal infections, etc. If the cause is caused by a disease, the state of illness, stunting will not be improved. good, even though the dog has all its nutrients. Take your dog to the vet to have some tests done to buy the correct cause. https://wewpet.com/russian-bear-dog-dogs-that-look-like-bears/
Infection with parasites of some species such as: squeezed, ticks, fleas, lice, etc. often parasitize on skin and dog fur. They suck nutrients from puppies to grow and stay strong. That's why, once being parasitic by these species, the dog, no matter how much he eats, cannot be as healthy and big as usual. In the process of breastfeeding, the dog's nutrients produce milk to feed the puppies. The diet then must be raised two or three times for the mother dog to not suffer from nutritional deficiency leading to weight loss, stunting. signs of dog stunting, lack of nutrition on the stunted Observing the outside is the simplest way to identify whether the dog is undernourished or not. a healthy dog with a proper diet and exercise, appearance will certainly be plump, balanced, standard weight height. On the contrary, dogs are malnourished, often stunted, sick, with protruding bones and lack of vitality. the dog is stunted and sick, it is a sign that the dog is stunted and lacks nutrition in the body. If a dog is of an adult age but it has a signal of doubt, fatigue, and inactivity, the health of the dog will be problematic. maybe because the diet doesn't produce enough calories, the amount of fat is required. These are the two most important nutrients that help the body produce specialized energy for living activities. https://s.gmx.com/find?q=https://wewpet.com
The immune system declines when the dog's body is not supplied with nutrients, the immune system will be weakened. As a result, puppies are at a higher risk of disease. viruses and germs will have the opportunity to enter the dog and cause disease. Puppies will have to face a more common health problem, becoming more sick and sick than other dogs. In the poorly digesting streets 1 dog with a bad diet, the digestive system will not be able to function properly. A clinical veterinary study showed that when dogs are deficient in nutrients, the intestinal tract system will function erratically. Puppies often have diarrhea, constipation, pain when they go outside, vomit bile, etc. hair and body skin problems are not enough nutrients, puppies will shed a lot, losing thickness and smooth, Over time, become more rough and dry. You will see that the coat color is duller, much lighter than the original color. This sign indicates that the dog's body is severely deficient in Omega 3, viatmin and minerals, which are the three most important nutrients for nourishing a fluffy coat. When the dog's body is lacking fat lines such as Omega 3 and 6, the signals will show clearly through the skin.